دانلود پلاگین وردپرس Featured Audio

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دانلود پلاگین وردپرس Featured Audio

Featured audio: plugin adds featured audio functionality to posts and pages.
HTML5 audio player: featured audio is handled by powerful HTML5 audio player.
iPhone, iPad, Android and WP7/8 devices supported: player works with any mobile devices.
Flexible positioning: audio player can be positioned with 5 different ways.
Autoplay option: start playing audio once post page opened.
WordPress Media Library: all audio files are stored in WordPress native media library.
Old browser supported: for old browsers player is switched to flash/silverlight mode.
Support major audio formats: mp3, wav, ogg, etc.
Custom post types supported: add featured audio to any post type.
Easy to install: install and activate the plugin as any other plugins.
Translation ready: plugin might be translated to any language.
Built using WordPress best practices: no any alerts from Plugin Check.


برای دانلود این فایل و هزاران فایل دیگر به اشتراک معمولی (VIP) و یا اشتراک ویژه (vip plus) نیاز دارید.

نوع اشتراک لازم برای دانلود این فایل:  vip می باشد.

جهت تهیه اشتراک اینجا را کلیک کنید

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حجم فایل: 0/294 مگابایت

آخرین بروزرسانی: 20200908
