دانلود قالب وردپرس LesPaul

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دانلود قالب وردپرس LesPaul

Retina (high DPI) displays support
Clean modern 100% responsive design, wide or narrow, boxed or fullwith layout (boxed or fullwidth layout can be set even per page basis and per website section basis!)
Cross browser compatibility
Infinite colors and backgrounds + any page, post, project or staff profile page can have its own page or main heading area background
Complete control over website’s design (watch preview video)
Custom fonts (any, not just Google WebFonts)
CSS3 animations and effects
Optimized CSS stylesheet and javascript files
Child themes support
Customizable login screen and WordPress admin area – you can match those to your brand
Color-coded widgets and widget areas in WordPress admin for better orientation
Stylable maps with multiple location markers (each marker with its own dedicated info bubble)
Touch enabled effects
Use your own custom set of icons (choose from more than 1300 Retina ready icons) – super easy integration with Fontello
…and much more

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نوع اشتراک لازم برای دانلود این فایل:  vip می باشد.

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حجم فایل: 24.13 مگابایت

آخرین بروزرسانی: 20200907
