دانلود طرح لایه باز و قالب سایت HTML Oracle – Modern Style Website Template

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دانلود طرح لایه باز و قالب سایت HTML Oracle – Modern Style Website Template

Welcome to Oracle, a template consist of 4 pages (home, about, works, and contact) we made specifically for every digital agency, marketing agency, video, technology & advertising company, creative studio and advertisement. Oracle is a unique and modern native template with the main focus on smooth user experience to make your site stand out from the crowd. All of our templates where built using standarized and well structured code. That means you can customize them using any your desire code editor. You can see beautiful animations. They makes it feels live and pleasure to use. What are you waiting for? Buckle up, and you get 4 pages professionally crafted web design.

Stylish Modern Look
Built with latest technology (Bootstrap, Slickjs, Sass, and Figma)
Use full animation on website templates
Easy to customize
Responsive Design Website
Include Figma File

برای دانلود این فایل و هزاران فایل دیگر به اشتراک معمولی (VIP) و یا اشتراک ویژه (vip plus) نیاز دارید.

نوع اشتراک لازم برای دانلود این فایل:  vip plus می باشد.

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حجم فایل: 68 مگابایت

آخرین بروزرسانی: 15/12/1399
