دانلود قالب سایت HTML Inertia Multipurpose Bootstrap 5

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دانلود قالب سایت HTML Inertia Multipurpose Bootstrap 5

Inertia is created to be adaptable to different looks. It comes with a styled Bootstrap components, plus new ones that can be easily customized via SASS variables. Enjoy a faster workflow with live browser reloads whenever you make a new change to the components library.

With an extensive variety of layouts and sections that will help you build a complete & unique website for your personal and commercial projects, Inertia offers a modern design that feels fresh and professional.

Thorough documentation for building and customizing is included, as well as code examples for core and new components. It also comes with class utilities that offer new powerful functionality.

If you have any questions or requests, please don’t hesitate to leave them all in the comments section below.

Note: This product contains code only, no design files included/needed

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حجم فایل: 40 مگابایت

آخرین بروزرسانی: 15/12/1399
