مجموعه تصویرسازی متحرک بازاریابی دیجیتال Digital Marketing Animation

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مجموعه تصویرسازی متحرک بازاریابی دیجیتال Digital Marketing Animation

5 Flat illustrations that are animated for Digital Marketing, in vector Ai and After Effect . Built in 2 version, Blue and Full Colour Version. Every illustration is 100% vector
and all animations can be edited.
You can edit the animation in the Ae source file included in the package, in ae file also Share the animation section that can be separated as desired. Suitable for website, mobile pages and other needs. Click preview button to view all 5 animation and illustrations. Like, comment and follow to see more updates from us!

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نوع اشتراک لازم برای دانلود این فایل:  vip plus می باشد.

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حجم فایل: 136 مگابایت

آخرین بروزرسانی: 20201123
