مجموعه طرح لایه باز 80 آیکون بازیافت Recycling Center Icons

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مجموعه طرح لایه باز 80 آیکون بازیافت Recycling Center Icons

Recycling is an important aspect to processing waste. Part of the modern waste reduction of reduce, reuse, and recycle, it aims to convert waste to new materials. It’s definitely useful to reduce energy consumption, air pollution, and water pollution. To this end, recycling centers are necessary to make sure that the process goes smoothly! Recycling centers can be drop off centers or buy-back spots where the location will do their job of contributing to a better world with less waste!

Waste will always be annoying, wasted energy or time leads to less productivity! That’s why these 80 Recycling Center Icons will make sure you’re on top of your productivity levels! You can worry less about your designs because we have provided these resources for you! You can use them anywhere, from online platforms like websites and apps, to offline spots such as magazines or even billboards! We only hope that we can contribute to your efforts in making the world a better place with your projects!

80 Recycling Center Icons
AI, EPS, PDF, PNG, SVG, Iconjar
PNG sized 256×256, 512×512
100% Vector
Compatible with Photoshop, Illustrator, Sketch, Figma
Fully Scalable & Customizable

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حجم فایل: 29.77 مگابایت

آخرین بروزرسانی: 99/11/05
