مجموعه طرح لایه باز تصویرسازی بانک Digital Banking Illustration

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مجموعه طرح لایه باز تصویرسازی بانک Digital Banking Illustration

Includes 9 illustrations showing common banking actions but in a beautifully designed and engaging way. Open an account, choose a credit card, send money or managing expenses are some of the ideas behind these colorful illustrations. These vector-based illustrations come with light and dark background and they are fully customizable (ex: change colors, remove elements,…) Use it for a banking app or website, or for financial blog posts, up to your imagination. Compatible with Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe XD, Figma and Sketch. You will also find all in PNG or SVG versions.

9 Unique scenes
100% Vector
Most common banking actions
100% Customizable
Minimal design
Light and dark background included

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نوع اشتراک لازم برای دانلود این فایل:  vip plus می باشد.

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نشانی ایمیل شما منتشر نخواهد شد. بخش‌های موردنیاز علامت‌گذاری شده‌اند *

حجم فایل: 9 مگابایت

آخرین بروزرسانی: 20201126
