طرح لایه باز رابط کاربری آیکون حمل و نقل Duo Tone Transportation Icons

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طرح لایه باز رابط کاربری آیکون حمل و نقل Duo Tone Transportation Icons

One of the most important aspects of logistics today is intermodal transportation. If it wasn’t for inter modal transportation the world economy would come to a stand still. Intermodal transportation enables people to travel to exotic locations for vacations, and also allow people to travel for work in different areas of the world.
For the first product we’ve a fantastic icon set. Designed by our Team over at UI8, we have a transport icon set for you!

All 110 of the transport

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حجم فایل: 5.78 مگابایت

آخرین بروزرسانی: 99/11/05
