دانلود مجموعه تصویرسازی ایزومتریک املاک Real Estate Isometric Kit Vol.1

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دانلود مجموعه تصویرسازی ایزومتریک املاک Real Estate Isometric Kit Vol.1

Introducing Real Estate Isometric; the perfect essentials for real estate industry web & apps. This kit includes 50 asset illustrations, like various generic high fidelity buildings, people, roads, cars, trees, signs, etc. Every illustration is 100% vector. You can easily scale it to the size you need and use it. Suitable for website, mobile pages, and other needs. Also Compatible with many tools design: Sketch, Abode Illustrator, Adobe XD, Figma, and Invision Studio

9 Scenes
100% Vector
Individual SVG Assets
Vector Based
Compatible with Sketch, XD, Illustrator, Figma, SVG, Invision Studio

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حجم فایل: 32 مگابایت

آخرین بروزرسانی: 13990902
