دانلود طرح لایه باز رابط کاربری WeathApp – Figma UI KIT

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دانلود طرح لایه باز رابط کاربری WeathApp – Figma UI KIT

WeathApp – Weather-Based Clothing App UI KIT was designed to advise you every morning on what to wear based on the day’s forecast. This app UI Kit provides you alarm and e-commerce features. Users can easily customize automated alarm based on temperature preferences, clothing brands, but also have the possibility to purchase their favorite clothes and get a detailed forecast. Extra features can be found in the app as well.

The e-commerce side of the app can help bring extra income to the app by working with clothing brands on deals.

+40 Premium IOS Screens
Modern & Minimalist Aesthetic
Neatly Organized & Layered
Customizable Layers, Fonts & Colors
Data & User Based Designs
Figma Exclusive UI Kit

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حجم فایل: 36.74 مگابایت

آخرین بروزرسانی: 1400/04/29
